Wolverine Pest Services

Differences Between German & Smokybrown Cockroaches

Learn The Differences Between Cockroaches German & Smokybrown in the Grand Rapids, MI area. They have different physical characteristics, habitats, and behaviors.
German cockroaches
• Light tan in color with two distinctive black stripes on their backs
• Found all over the world except for Antarctica.
• Thrive around humans.
• Can eat pretty much anything.
• Nocturnal, but may be seen during the day if the population is large.
Smokybrown cockroaches
• Dark brown in color
• Found mainly in the Southeastern United States
• Live outdoors but can enter buildings.
• More likely to be found in greenhouses or around sheds.
• Fly more than German cockroaches.
• Drawn to light sources.
• Eat rotting plant matter.

Differences Between German & Smokybrown Cockroaches

How to prevent cockroaches

• Keep your home clean and free of food and water sources. Cockroaches are attracted to food, so it is important to clean up any spills or crumbs immediately. You should also store food in airtight containers and take out the trash regularly.
• Seal up any cracks or holes in your foundation or exterior walls. Cockroaches can enter your home through even the smallest openings.
• Repair any leaky pipes or faucets. Cockroaches are attracted to water, so it is important to eliminate any sources of moisture in your home.
• Keep your yard clean and free of debris. Cockroaches can live in piles of leaves, grass clippings, and other debris.
• Trim trees and shrubs so that they do not touch your home. This will help to prevent cockroaches from crawling into your home.

Here are some additional tips:

• Use caulk or sealant to seal up any cracks or gaps around windows, doors, and pipes.
• Install screens on all windows and doors.
• Keep pet food and water bowls clean and filled with fresh water.
• Dispose of garbage promptly and keep trash cans tightly sealed.
• Avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink overnight.
• Vacuum regularly and pay special attention to areas where cockroaches are likely to hide, such as under the sink, behind the refrigerator, and in the corners of rooms.

Safety guidelines

• Do not use pesticides yourself. They can be dangerous if not used properly.
• If you have a pet, make sure the pest control company uses pesticides that are safe for pets.
• Keep children and pets away from treated areas until the pesticides have dried.

If you want to prevent cockroach infestations in your home, there are several steps you can take. First, be cautious when bringing items, especially secondhand items, into your property to avoid accidentally inviting roaches. Secondly, focus on cutting off accessible water sources, such as leaks, clogged gutters, and poor drainage, as roaches are prone to dehydration. It is also important to keep your property clean, both inside and out, as roaches are less likely to find it attractive if it is well-maintained. Finally, seal any openings that roaches could use to enter your property easily.